Category: unqork
Filter while getting submissions in workflow [UNQORK]
How to pass filter value dynamically in plugin to get Dashboard submission? submissionId name class feesPaid gender 021efrgggi Binny 4 yes female 22ercfffse Vijay 4 no male 23ertvttww Raj 4 yes male 24qeqeeqer Vinii 4 no female student Let’s consider the above submissions are save in workflow submission, we need to get values whose feesPaid…
Small Questions Unqork
Which kind of output does group input give in Data Workflow component.
Fetch values of components to array using Binded Table
How to fetch values of a form having 5 fields , a) name b) email c)phone Number d)city e) salary and save as one row value of array / object , in UNQORK
PHP query Vs Unqork
id name salary 23546 Anna 700000 23452 Bintu 670000 23453 Caddy 800000 account Q1) Get the row which has salary = 700000 PHP Unqork Q1) Get the rows which has salary greater than 700000 PHP Unqork