id | name | salary |
23546 | Anna | 700000 |
23452 | Bintu | 670000 |
23453 | Caddy | 800000 |
Q1) Get the row which has salary = 700000
// for creating connection to database , igonore if already created
$con= new mysqli($servername,$username,$password,$dbname);
// Query to select row which has salary 70000
$sql= "SELECT * FROM account where salary='700000'";
//running the query
//fetching the value to show on page
echo "id: " . $row["id"]. " - Name: " . $row["name"]. " Salary: " . $row["salary"]. "<br>";
- Let account be hidden field where all account data is saved
- Select dwf (data work flow) with name dwfGetsingleEntry
- Take input operator with input property Id as account
- filter operator salary= 70000
- from upper output node join output named theSalary
- take one init and trigger that dwf.

Q1) Get the rows which has salary greater than 700000
$sql= "SELECT * FROM account where salary>='700000'";
//running the query
//fetching the value to show on page
echo "id: " . $row["id"]. " - Name: " . $row["name"]. " Salary: " . $row["salary"]. "<br>";
- Let account be hidden field where all account data is saved
- Select dwf (data work flow) with name dwfGetsingleEntry
- Take input operator with input property Id as account
- filter operator salary>0 70000
- from upper output node join output named theSalary
- take one initializer eg. initStart and trigger that dwf.

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