Explain Situation:
Lets consider there is a form of an Employee with 5 fields
a) name b) email c)phone Number d)city e) salary
we want this value to be saved in an array named employeDetails which shall be used further in operations.
Solution :
create a module with components below
- name (text component)
- email (text component)
- phoneNumber(number component / phone number)
- city (text Component)
- salary (number Component)
- save (button component)
- dtEmployee (data table component)
- employeeDetails (hidden Component)
- dwfGetValuesToEmployeeDetails (DataWorkflow Component)
then create a dataWorkFlow
1) named dwfGetValuesToEmployeeDetails,
       having one input :
            component : dtEmployee
             source = binded table
       output :
                 component: employeeDetails (hidden Component)
                  action : value
This dwf need to be triggered on Save Button >> Â Action Type >> Â Event >> Triggers Onclick
Button btnSave