Past Tense Sentences in Sanskrit with First ,second and 3rd person
SINGULAR Boy ate बालक: अखादत। you ate युवं अखाद: I ate अहं अखादम्। she ate सा आखादत् he ate सः…
बर्तन के नाम संस्कृत में
picture Sanskrit Hindi English स्थालिका प्लेट Plate चषक: गिलास / कप Glass / cup चमष: चम्मच Spoon दर्वि कड़चि /…
Objects Identification in Sanskrit
English Rat. Hindi choohaa. Sanskrit mooshak. English Lion Hindi Sherr Sanskrit Singhh.
What is an UNQORK
What is an UNQORK ? Unqork is a cloud based no code application tool. It is a useful tool for…
Common Area for Cyber Security
As we know cyber security is a technology /measure or method to prevent our smart ,digital , network device from…